The cabinet of dr . caligari is the representative title of german expressionist film . it is also a pioneer of the modern thriller genre 此片是德国表演主义german expressionism电影的最佳代表作,亦是现代惊栗电影的先驱,绝对是非看不可的作品。
Nevertheless , the framing story does succeed in " reflecting the double aspect of german life by coupling a reality in which caligari s authority triumphs with a hallucination in which the same authority is overthrown . 但是其实此结局和原著剧本有所不同。不过经改动后,它的娱乐性是高了,可是原本对社会的讽刺性则相对地减低不少。
Despite the constant tte - ttes between the threesome , there is a tenderness that is inescapable a director s affectionate ode to her own parents . fipresci and caligari film prize winner , berlin film festival 导演还是电影系硕士生,才情已被肯定,短片先获校内电影节颁发最佳导演奖, 《牛皮》获今年柏林影展国际影评人奖及caligari电影奖。
The backdrop is painted in an abstract manner aritfically as well . the atmoshpere of the film is constructed well enough to keep viewers in suspense . the original idea of the film was an account of real horror , in which dr . caligari is really a necromancer who uses cesare to kill people 除了表现主义的特色外,全片的风格亦很优暗诡异,气氛上绝对一级恐惧,令人有透不过气的感觉,所以它亦被奉为惊栗电影的先驱。