2002 : richie jen s fans party at mal burnaby store 2000 : coco lee s fans party at mal richmond store 2000年:己晋身为国际级歌手的coco李玟在mal列治文店举行签名会
2005 : nan pong s autograph session at mal aberdeen store 2003 : adam cheng s fans party at mal burnaby store 2005年: sony music新进全能歌手蓝奕邦在mal时代坊店举行签名会
Geoff duck is a software developer for ibm canada ltd and works in the ibm center for e - business innovation in burnaby , bc , canada Geoff duck是ibm canada ltd的一名软件开发人员,他在位于加拿大bc burnaby的ibm中心从事电子商务创新方面的研究。
This training program , an activity under the small farmers adapting to global markets project , was held at jr labs in burnaby , british columbia , nov . 15 dec . 24 , 2004 此次培训是中加“小农户适应全球化市场发展”项目下的一项活动,为期6周2004年11月13日至12月24日。
These artworks which include paintings of chinese and western style , chinese calligraphy , photography and sculpture , will be in display at ccm centre ( crystal mall in burnaby ) from september 25 to october 16 , 2004 for four weeks 各位喜爱艺术作品的弟兄姊妹不容错过这难得的机会,既可欣赏不同形式的艺术创作造诣,并可以以十分相宜的价钱,购买到心仪的艺术品摆放家中,更可支持中信的事工。
Bruce leighton , a marine parasite expert at simon fraser university in burnaby , noted wednesday that the die - off coincided with the peak of the starfish reproductive cycle , when the creatures are most vulnerable to orchitophrya stellarum , a protozoan that feeds on sea stars sperm 加拿大伯纳比市西蒙弗雷泽大学的海洋寄生虫研究专家布鲁斯莱顿日前表示,这些海星相继死亡的现象正好发生在它们生殖周期的顶峰时段。在这一段时间内,海星最容易受到一种名为orchitophrya stellarum的原生动物的攻击。
Bruce leighton , a marine parasite expert at simon fraser university in burnaby , noted wednesday that the die - off coincided with the peak of the starfish reproductive cycle , when the creatures are most vulnerable to orchitophrya stellarum , a protozoan that feeds on sea stars " sperm 加拿大伯纳比市西蒙弗雷泽大学的海洋寄生虫研究专家布鲁斯莱顿日前表示,这些海星相继死亡的现象正好发生在它们生殖周期的顶峰时段。在这一段时间内,海星最容易受到一种名为orchitophrya stellarum的原生动物的攻击。