Warts , bunions and pimples to make it worse 更糟的是,还长着疣子腱膜瘤和粉刺。
You ' ll cook and clean and massage my bunions 你要为我做饭、洗浴,替我按摩姆囊肿块
What ' s the difference between a bunion and a corn 怎么分辨姆囊炎和鸡眼
The bunion - - what ? what are you doing here 姆囊炎你到这来干什么
Takes the biscuit and talking about bunions . frailty , thy name is sceptre 脆弱啊,你的名字就是权杖, 367 ”
Such a deformity makes walking more difficult and can produce a thick callus or ulceration when the bunion makes shoes ill - fitting 畸形使行走更困难,且要是拇囊炎使鞋不合适还可能产生厚胼胝体或溃疡形成。
Hook . obesity and bunions , ' tis a princely scheme . we will seize the children , make them walk the plank , and wendy shall be our mother 这主意真不赖。我们就把那些娃娃们捉来,逼他们跳进海里,再让温蒂当我们的娘!
She is a hoary pandemonium of ills , enlarged glands , mumps , quinsy , bunions , hayfever , bedsores , ringworm , floating kidney , derbyshire neck , warts , bilious attacks , gallstones , cold feet , varicose veins . a truce to threnes and trentals and jeremies and all such congenital defunctive music 她是各种疾病盘踞的自发魔窟:瘰疬流行性腮腺炎扁桃体周脓肿拇趾囊肿胀枯草热褥疮金钱癣浮游肾甲状腺肿瘊子胆汁病胆结石冷血症和静脉瘤。