| 1. | Build - operate - transfer projects 建造、营运及移交工程 |
| 2. | Build - operate - transfer 建造营运及移交 |
| 3. | Information on build - operate - transfer : arrangements and projects investment opportunities for chinese enterpreneurs 中国企业在菲律宾的投资商机 |
| 4. | Chinese companies may find lucrative opportunities to participate in philippine projects under various build - operate - transfer schemes 中国企业会发现在菲律宾bot方式下的许多项目有着丰厚的获利机会。 |
| 5. | It now makes use of the innovative build - operate - transfer scheme , a model now being followed by other countries due to its success 现在她利用具有革新的建造-经营-转让反方案( bot ) ,现在由于其成功的经验其他的国家也纷纷效仿。 |
| 6. | Some considered the current mode of build - operate - transfer problematic while others suggested ways to enhance the viability of bot projects 有人认为目前的建造营运及移交方式存有问题,其他人则提出了加强建造营运及移交项目可行性的方法。 |
| 7. | Encourage the use of listing , build - operate - transfer ( bot ) , transfer - operate - transfer ( tot ) , merger and acquisition , etc . to solicit foreign capital 鼓励以上市、建设经营移交( bot ) 、移交经营移交( tot ) 、收购合并等方式利用外资。 |
| 8. | Foreign investors can invest through various means including equity joint ventures , build - operate - transfer ( bot ) , and transfer - operate - transfer ( tot ) 外商可采取设立股份制合资企业、建造经营移交( bot )及移交经营移交( tot )等方式投资。 |
| 9. | Has a 30 - year build - operate - transfer franchise that runs to 2025 , and is now operating the strategic north - south expressway between yuen long and ting kau 拥有政府批出30年建造经营及移交专营权至2025年,负责兴建及经营连接元朗及汀九的南北行车干线。 |
| 10. | Information note on the adoption of the build - operate - transfer model and its variants in developing transport infrastructures in selected places prepared by research and library services division 由资料研究及图书馆服务部拟备有关选定地方采用建造营运移交模式及略有差异的近似模式兴建运输基础设施的情况的资料摘要 |