Buhl was very lucky on nanga parbat , escaping with just a few frostbitten toes 布尔在南迦帕尔巴特非常幸运,只冻伤了几个脚趾,幸免于难。
This story reflects buhl ' s style of climbing ; totally focused and by taking enormous risks he often succeeded where others failed 这个故事反映了布尔的攀登风格:全力集中,冒着极大风险,他常常在别人失败的地方获得成功。
Some days later they attempted chogolisa , but it was buhls last mountain , near the summit he fell through a cornice to his death 几天以后他们尝试攀登乔戈里萨峰,但是这是布尔最后的山峰了,在接近峰顶的时候,他坠入一个雪檐,死了。
The furniture was superb . rosewood and buhl - work pieces , severs vases and blue china porcelain , dresden figurines , satins , velvet and lace , everything in fact 房间陈设富丽堂皇,布尔雕刻的和玫瑰木的家具塞弗尔和中国的花瓶萨克森的小塑像绸缎天鹅绒和花边绣品真是目不暇接,应有尽有。
The furniture was superb . rosewood and buhl - work pieces , severs vases and blue china porcelain , dresden figurines , satins , velvet and lace , everything in fact 房间陈设富丽堂皇,布尔雕刻的和玫瑰木的家具、塞弗尔和中国的花瓶、萨克森的小塑像、绸缎、天鹅绒和花边绣品;真是目不暇接,应有尽有。