“ when it came to a perennial clinton bugaboo - personnel - things began on a promising note 克林顿刚刚看到即将摆脱困扰他多时的私人琐事的希望。
Is he a shepherd or a nobleman ? - young or old ? - tall or short ? describe him , in order that , if we meet him by chance , like bugaboo john or lara , we may recognize him . 是一个牧童还是一个贵族,年轻还是年老,高个子还是矮个子,把他描写一下,如果我们碰巧遇见他,象让斯波加或勒拉那样,我们或许可以认识他。 ”
Salt is another bugaboo . " nasa is in a dilemma about salt , " says hunter . it makes food taste good , but too much can speed bone loss , which is already a problem in space 另外盐也是一个难题,涵特说盐让太空总署左右为难,因为盐可以增加食物的味道,可是如果吃太多则会加速骨质的流失,而骨质流失原本就已经是太空旅行的一大问题。