| 1. | Is all this brouhaha justified 所有这些过度兴奋的情绪有根据吗? |
| 2. | Is all this brouhaha justified 所有这些过度兴奋的情绪正常吗? |
| 3. | A brouhaha by the football players resulted in three black eyes 足球队员们因小事发生争吵结果有三人被打得鼻青脸肿。 |
| 4. | Has it occurred to you that our present gm brouhaha may be a terrible case of crying wolf 我们今天关于转基因的争吵,将会变成一个可怕的“狼来了”的故事,这会发生吗? |
| 5. | That is why traditional allergists believe that all the brouhaha over food allergies is unwarranted 粉尘螨和户尘螨是两种最常见的过敏源,绝大多数过敏体质的人都对这两项有反应。 |
| 6. | Nevertheless , considering the brouhaha that surrounds genetic engineering , synthetic biology has stirred up surprisingly little wider debate 不过比起基因工程引发的诸多争议,生物合成造成的动响要轻微许多。 |
| 7. | In january 2005 then - harvard president lawrence summers caused a brouhaha when he publicly suggested that women are naturally perhaps genetically less inclined than men to seek scientific careers 2005年,当时的哈佛大学校长劳伦斯。萨默斯宣称这是因为男性和女性“内在智能的本质不同” 。 |
| 8. | In all the brouhaha about teenagers we are inclined to forget , it seems to me , that they are primarily reflections of us , our foibles and fumblings and aspirations , our fears and frustrations , our hopes and our beliefs 在对于青少年的纷纷议论中,我认为我们似乎忘记了,他们基本上是我们的影子;反映出我们的弱点、失误和理想,反映出我们的恐惧和失败,也反映我们的希望和信仰。 |