| 1. | Mrs costello wears the breeches in that house ... 科斯特洛家是太太掌权。 |
| 2. | The reins and the breeches of the groom are glittering white . 车夫的缰绳和裤子也又亮又白。 |
| 3. | Pulling a dirty rag from his breeches pocket, he rubbed it clumsily over her face, then pinched her nose between its folds . 他从裤袋里摸出一块肮脏的破布,笨拙地擦着她的脸,然后将破布摺起来捏住她的鼻子。 |
| 4. | The boy put on his breeches and went out for a ride 男孩穿上马裤,出去骑马了。 |
| 5. | Mrs bellingham tan his breech well , the upstart 这个暴发户!使劲揍他的屁股。 |
| 6. | Not until the second round goes into the breech 除非第二发子弹也推进枪管 |
| 7. | The breeches are the latest trend for pants 裤子方面的最新流行是马裤。 |
| 8. | And what i do is i put this now in the breech 接下来我把这个填入枪管 |
| 9. | Rocket and breeches buoy and lifeboat 火箭和救生裤,浮圈和救生艇。 |
| 10. | Have you seen my dark brown breeches 你看见了我的深棕色裤子吗 |