Brahmaputra brahmaputra grand hotel Brahmaputra雅鲁藏布大酒店brahmaputra grand hotel
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Groundwater arsenic contamination and its health effects in ganga - meghna - brahmaputra plain and its surroundings : nineteen years study report 平原及周围地区与孟加拉国地下水砷污染及其对健康影响的19年研究
The sundarbans mangrove forest , one of the largest such forests in the world ( 140 , 000 ha ) , lies on the delta of the ganges , brahmaputra and meghna rivers on the bay of bengal 孙德尔本斯国家公园是世界上最大的红树森林之一,占地面积140 , 000公顷,位于孟加拉湾的恒河、布拉马普特拉河和梅克纳河三角洲。
Glaciers in himalaya feed many large rivers in asia such as ganges , indian river , brahmaputra river , mekong river , nujiang river , yangtse river and yellow river , all of which guarantee the living water supply for a population of billions 喜马拉雅山的冰山是亚洲许多大河的水源,包括恒河,印度河,布拉马普特拉河、眉公河、怒江、长江和黄河,这些河流保障了数亿人口生活用水的需求。
The himalayan ice cap is the fountain of many asian rivers , including ganges river , indus river , brahmaputra river , mekong river , nujiang river , yangtze river and yellow river , which guarantee the domestic water supply to hundreds of millions of people 喜马拉雅山的冰山是亚洲许多大河的水源,包括恒河,印度河,布拉马普特拉河、湄公河、怒江、长江和黄河,这些河流保障了数亿人口生活用水的需求。
The himalayan ice cap is the fountain of many asian rivers , including ganges river , indus river , brahmaputra river , mekong river , nujiang river , yangtze river and yellow river , which guarantees the domestic water supply to hundreds of millions of people 喜马拉雅山的冰山是亚洲许多大河的水源,包括恒河,印度河,布拉马普特拉河、湄公河、怒江、长江和黄河,这些河流保障了数亿人口生活用水的需求。
The results showed that : the integrated ecological risk was presented symmetrically along brahmaputra , and was mitigated from valley farming area to mountain pastoral area ; the hazards of main risk sources to risk suffer in each sub - region was differently , drought was the common risk source and imperils farming and stock raising severely ; aimed at enhancing the ability of fighting drought , controlling flood and stabilizing sand engineering measures should be taken steps to prevent those hazards ; mountain hazards must be controlled in resident area and along arterial traffic ; manual work should be done to void hail in those area where hails attacked heavily ; there is need to promulgated risk knowledge to herdsmen for strengthening their risk consciousness and improve the ability of preventing risk and self - help after hazards happened in the pasturing area 扎囊县综合生态风险沿雅鲁藏布江呈现对称型分布,并由河谷农业区向高山牧业区逐渐降低;各亚区的主要风险源对风险受体的危害强度差异较大,干旱是共同的风险源,造成的农牧业生产损失最为严重;抗风险措施主要有在河谷地带采取工程措施以提高抗旱、防洪和固沙能力,在半山台地加强治理居民点及交通沿线的山地灾害,在多雹区进行人工消雹;在高寒牧区向牧民传播风险知识,以加强其风险意识,提高规避风险和灾后自救能力。