| 1. | A view of some problems on the borderland studies 关于边疆研究若干问题的思考 |
| 2. | The primary development of modern borderland theory in the west 西方近代边疆理论的初步发展 |
| 3. | The concept of borderland and the laws on borderland 周秦两汉西南区域民族地理观的形成与嬗变 |
| 4. | Let china ' s borderland studies possess stronger sense of times 让中国边疆学具有更强的时代感 |
| 5. | China ' s borderland history and geography studies 中国边疆史地研究 |
| 6. | The historical records of the christian borderland service movement 基督教边疆服务运动的历史记录 |
| 7. | Prof . gu jiegang ' s researches and practices on borderland issues 顾颉刚先生对边疆问题的实践和研究 |
| 8. | The policy toward burma : 1662 1765 , china ' s southwest borderland in qing dynasty 的对缅政策与西南边疆 |
| 9. | A review on wei yuan ' s study on the history and geography of china ' s borderland 魏源的边疆史地研究述略 |
| 10. | Researches on borderland history and geography , and the ethno - national problems 边疆史地研究与民族问题 |