Rapid bioluminescent technique to detect bacteria in meat 肉类食品细菌污染生物发光快速分析技术研究
Standard guide for conducting toxicity tests with bioluminescent dinoflagellates 生物荧光双鞭甲藻毒性试验的标准指南
To facilitate supervision and management of food production and circulation , rapid methods for detection of foodborne pathgens , such as improvement and automatization of conventional methods , bioluminescent method , cytometry , impedancemetry and immunological methods were reviewed 为方便对食品生产和流通的整个过程进行卫生监督和管理,就常规方法的改进和自动化、生物发光方法、细胞计数方法、阻抗测定方法和免疫学方法等食品中微生物的快速检测方法进行了综述。