The main tasks of the world health assembly are to approve the who programme and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions 世界卫生大会的主要任务是批准世界卫生组织的规划和随后两年一度的预算并就重大政策问题做出决定。
The main tasks of the world health assembly are to approve the who programme and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions 世界卫生大会的主要任务是批准世界卫生组织的规划和随后一个双年度的预算并就重大政策问题做出决定。
The un regular budget has had zero nominal growth for eight years , followed by a very slight increase for the current biennium ? which nevertheless represents a reduction in real terms from the prior period 联合国的经常预算8年来的名义增长率为零,本两年期也只有微量增长,且实际经费仍低于上一两年期。