Born in a slum in bhubaneswar , the capital of orissa , budhia was sold by his mother for just 800 rupees 10 pounds after his father died 辛格的身世也很悲苦,他出生在奥里萨邦首府的贫民窟。在父亲去世后,母亲以800卢比合10英镑的价格将他卖掉。
In experiments on rice - groundnut rotation at bhubaneswar , as an average of two years , increase in fertilizer levels did not effect yield of rice ( table 6 . ) 在布巴内斯瓦尔的稻-花生轮作试验中,二年平均来看,提高施肥水平并不影响水稻产量(表6 ) 。
A woman in bhubaneswar , india , grinds brilliant red mineral pigments to powder on a stone pestle for holi , the indian festival of color 在印度的布巴内斯瓦尔,一名妇女正用石杵将亮红色的矿物颜料磨成粉末,用于印度的色彩节- -胡里节。转载翻译部分请注明天涯东方猪。