Gdb uses its own library bfd to read your files Gdb使用它自己的库bfd来读取你的文件。
Bfd encourages and assists policy bureaux and departments to undertake studies and projects for identifying and implementing measures to facilitate the development and operation of the business sector 该部鼓励并协助各政府决策局及部门进行研究及计划,以制订及落实有效措施便利商界发展和营运。
In chapter 3 , two novel scheduling algorithms are put forward to supporting qos according to bin packing problem . bhps arriving are sent to different queues according to their outport , in each ourport queue , bhps are classified by their priorities and scheduled as a batch . the simulation results shows that ffd and bfd not only can provide qos effectively , but also can improve the average loss function 通过该调度算法,可以实现高优先级突发对低优先级的抢占,提供服务质量支持,并利用openet仿真软件对这两种调度算法进行仿真。仿真结果表明,基于装箱问题的ffd和bfd调度算法不仅能提供有效的qos支持,还能改善系统总体的丢失性能。