| 1. | He left bequests of money to all his friends ... 他给所有的朋友都遗赠了一些钱。 |
| 2. | He left bequest of money to all his servants . 他对所有的仆人都遗赠了一些金钱。 |
| 3. | The bequest would be found in his will, and would be paid over . 这笔遗产将在他的遗嘱里交代清楚,如数照付。 |
| 4. | He left it to him on such terms as destroyed half the value of the bequest . 他是在折损了遗产一半价值的条件下遗留给他的。 |
| 5. | She castigated the tax on gifts and bequests as a threat to small business . 她把对礼物和遗赠物征税斥之为对小商号的一种威胁。 |
| 6. | Our headquarters was deeded to us many years ago as part of a bequest . 我们的总部是在许多年前作为一项遗产的一部分让给我们的。 |
| 7. | He left bequests of money to all his friends 他留下一些钱遗赠给他所有的朋友。 |
| 8. | He makes several bequest to his staff 他在遗嘱中向他的工作人员作了好几次动产遗赠 |
| 9. | The estate was sliced up into very small bequests 这份产业被分成了很小的一份份遗产。 |
| 10. | And what sort of an effect will the bequest have on you 这笔遗赠对你会有什么影响呢? |