| 1. | Probing into the origin of bentham ' s utilitarianism 边沁功利主义溯源探究 |
| 2. | The liberal views of utilitarianism of legal positivism : from bentham to hart 从边沁到哈特 |
| 3. | A brief thesis on jeremy bentham ' s utilitarian thought and legal reform 简论边沁的功利思想及法律改革 |
| 4. | The comparative analysis of the utilitarianism ideas of mocius and bentham 墨子与边沁的功利主义思想之比较 |
| 5. | That ' s a deduction from jeremy bentham ' s theory of interest 这是根据虞莱弥?朋撒姆关于高利贷的理论推演出来的。 |
| 6. | The economists of his day took their cue from jeremy bentham and his “ utilitarian ” philosophy 他那个时代的经济学家们承袭了杰里米?边沁及其实用主义哲学的衣钵。 |
| 7. | On the learning of bentham ' s theory of crime compensation by the system of civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings of china 论边沁犯罪补偿理论对刑事附带民事诉讼制度的借鉴 |
| 8. | But in recent years , economists have become newly confident that they can measure utility as bentham conceived it : as a quantum of pleasure or pain 但最近几年,经济学家们重拾信心,确信他们能够用本森构想的快乐或痛苦量子来衡量效用。 |
| 9. | Contrary to bentham , the “ sovereign masters that determine what people will do are not pleasure and pain , but fallible memories of pleasure and pain 与边沁相反, “决定人们做什么的权力主宰并不是快乐和痛苦,而是会犯错误的对快乐和痛苦的记忆。 ” |
| 10. | It is not surprising that some philosophers , such as thomas malthus and jeremy bentham , tried to remove emotion from their visions of social reform 而哲学家们,如托马斯?马尔萨斯和杰尼米?边沁,尝试去掉情感成分来看待社会改革的努力也就不足为奇了。 |