The third wave were the belgae - came about 150 bc 第三次是约公元前150年比利其人的到达。
No doubt more good things can come out of the swathe of territory once occupied by a tribe known to the romans as the belgae 毫无疑问这片曾被罗马人称作贝尔格部族占据的狭长国土还能产生更过的好东西。
The celts may originally have come from eastern and central europe , they came to britain in three main waves : the first wave was the gaels , the second was britons and the third was belgae 凯尔特人最初来自于东欧及中欧,他们入侵英国分三次高潮:第一次是盖尔人;第二次是布立吞人;第三次是比利其人。