It seems to me we have stood just about enough of this man's beggarly interference . 我觉得我们差不多受够了这个人的无谓的干扰。
We can only offer you a beggarly two hundred pounds to start with 一开始我们只能给你区区二百英镑作为酬金。
It was only the beggarly priests sons and thieves made a good thing of it 结果得到好处的只是那些吃教会饭的,再就是小偷强盗”
' said young earnshaw . ` and i pray that he may break your neck : take him , and be damned , you beggarly interloper 把它拿去,该死的,你这讨饭的碍事的人,把我父亲所有的东西都骗去吧。
I cannot tell ; aunt reed says if i have any , they must be a beggarly set : i should not like to go a - begging “我说不上来。里德舅妈说,要是我有亲戚,也准是一群要饭的,我可不愿去要饭。 ”
When my beggarly heart sits crouched , shut up in a corner , break open the door , my king , and come with the ceremony of a king 当我乞丐似的心,蹲闭在屋角的时候,我的国王,请你以王者的威仪破户而入。
Take my colt , gipsy , then ! said young earnshaw . and i pray that he may break your neck : take him , and be damned , you beggarly interloper “吉普赛,那就把我的马拿去吧, ”小恩萧说, “我但愿这匹马会把你的脖子跌断。
There was no vulgar bullying , no bravado of any sort , no choleric hectoring , and striding to and fro across the apartment , jerking out vehement commands for bartleby to bundle himself off with his beggarly traps 没有庸俗的恃强凌弱,没有任何的虚张声势,没有恼怒的威胁恐吓,也没有在室内大步地走来走去,气势汹汹地吵嚷着,命令巴特比带着他那些破烂东西一同滚蛋。
You thought to make us , unhappy strangers , trot at the heels of your processions , like so many lazzaroni , because no carriages or horses are to be had in your beggarly city . but you don t know us ; when we can t have one thing we invent another . 罗马诸君呀,你们以为在你们的讨饭城市里找不到车马,就可以使我们这些不幸的异乡人,象那不勒斯的许多流民一样用两只脚跟在你们的屁股后面跑。