This, in fact, represented two confluent basidiocarps . 事实上,这表明是两个愈合的担子果。
The results also suggested that there are a little dna variation among different origin basidiocarps , and their similarity coefficients vary from 0 . 886 to 0 . 986 等的各种人工分离菌株进行了dna鉴定,并对它们的菌丝体分离,培养方法进行了探讨。
Altogether 216 basidiocarp specimens of armillaria , mostly from northern and south - western china , were identified with the aid of mating tests using tester strains of the european and north american armillaria species 从中国东北和西南地区采集216号标本,用交配实验鉴定了它们的互交不育群和它们同欧洲及北美蜜环菌的关系。
24 samples including matsutake basidiocarps and different origin isolates were analyzed with rapd fingerprinting comparison using 17 arbitrary decamer nucleotide primers . the results showed that all slow - growing mycelia isolated from lamellae have the same dna fingerprinting 试验还对松茸菌根、带菌丝土壤进行了分离,结果很容易获得各种快生型的丝状真菌,因此认为菌根、土壤并不适合分离松口蘑菌丝体。
The rapd - pcr conditions were optimized by example experiments of two dna templates from different ecological regions , and 18 of 40 arbitrary decamer nucleotide primers were also screened with good amplication and repetition . the 17 sets of dna fingerprinting patterns were sharply made for 20 basidiocarps tested 从40个随机引物中筛选到18个扩增效果好,重复性稳定的引物以介导不同来源的20个松茸子实体dna的扩增,得到了它们清晰可辨的dna指纹。
The rapd - pcr analyses were conducted with different colour basidiocarps from different origin pleurotus mushrooms . the results showed that there are same dna fingerpringing patterns among the mycelial isolates , pileus ( including lamellae ) and stipe from one basidiocarps , but the similarity coefficients between different origin and colour basidiocarps vary from 0 . 779 to 0 . 976 试验结果还表明:人工栽培产生的子实体及其组织分离菌丝体,与所用栽培菌种茵丝体及其种源子实体,都具有一致的rapd指纹图谱:而不同来源的子实体之间的dna相似系数在0 . 886 0 . 986之间。