New bdr is a bank incorporated in italy and a wholly owned subsidiary of banca di roma s . p . a , the leading bank of the bancaroma group in italy " existing bdr " 新是一家于意大利注册成立的银行,亦是意大利的主要银行简称现有的全资附属公司。
Milan - massimo moratti was interviewed by journalists following friday ' s f . c . internazionale shareholders ' meeting at the main branch of banca popolare di milano 周五,国际米兰足球俱乐部在米兰市民银行总行召开了股东大会后,马西莫-莫拉蒂接受了记者的采访。
Payment to the centro studi italiani must be made by bank transfer : c / c n 4545 , banca delle marche , agenzia di urbania , iban : it47 g060 5568 6900 0000 0004 545 ; swift : bamait3a 如果在中国300学时课程末学生未获签证,意大利学习中心将退还额为2690欧元的费用,扣除银行手续费。