Clinical observation of baclofen for treatment of postherpetic neuralgia 巴氯芬治疗带状疱疹感染后神经痛的临床观察
Similarly , xenopus spinal growth cones turned away from a gradient of baclofen , an agonist of the gabab receptor 同样的, gabab受体的激动剂baclofen的浓度梯度也能够吸引或排斥爪蟾脊髓神经元的生长锥。
Under normal culture conditions , pkc - dependent repulsion dominated , but the repulsion could be converted to attraction by inhibiting pkc or by elevating cytosolic cgmp 通常条件下, pkc通路介导了生长锥排斥反应,而ip3通路介导了吸引反应,由于pkc通路占据主导, sdf - 1和baclofen排斥生长锥。
This response was mediated by gi and subsequent activation of phospholipase c ( plc ) , which triggered two pathways : protein kinase c ( pkc ) led to repulsion , and inositol 1 , 4 , 5 - triphosphate ( ip3 ) receptor activation led to attractive turning 信号转导机制的研究表明, sdf - 1和baclofen激活了生长锥表面的g蛋白耦联受体,通过gi将信号传递给plc ,进而激活pkc和ip3信号通路。