| 1. | The heroes and heroines are of ancient and aristocratic lineage . 男女主人都是家世渊源的贵族。 |
| 2. | The duke was tall, broodshouldered, aristocratic looking . 衍圣公是个身材高大,肩膀宽阔,相貌堂堂的人。 |
| 3. | Byron was born of an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation . 拜伦出生于一个名声有些问题的贵族家庭。 |
| 4. | That son of peasants radiated a natural dignity and aristocratic bearing . 这个农民的儿子显示出一种天生的尊严和贵族的神态。 |
| 5. | There has never developed among them an exclusive, aristocratic society . 在他们之中从来没有形成过一个不许他人进入的高傲的圈子。 |
| 6. | His ideal was a conception of high prosperity and property of the aristocratic life . 他的理想是飞黄腾达,阔绰体面,过贵族式的生活。 |
| 7. | There is another form of wilful obscurity that masquerades as aristocratic exclusiveness . 还有一种故意造成的含糊其词,用以掩盖其贵族老爷式的孤傲态度。 |
| 8. | And she added that such, when one considered it, was simply the essence of the aristocratic situation . 她又说到,仔细想来,这只是作为一个贵族所应有的素质。 |
| 9. | This was what came of early indulgence, and insolence, and extravagance, and aristocratic airs . 这是由于他从小娇生惯养,目中无人,穷奢极欲,摆贵族架子的结果。 |
| 10. | "ah! aristocratic," replied miss petowker; "something very aristocratic about him, isn't there? " “对!贵族派头,”皮托克小姐回答道,“他的贵族派头十足,不是吗?” |