Based on the analysis of office network data flow we lay stress on the arboreous security state machine model which befits the office network of army or government 探讨机关办公网络的数据流特点,并提出一种适合部队和政府机关办公网络的树状安全状态机模型。
Announce according to top people court " about hearing person damages case applicable law the explanation of a certain number of problems " regulation , road , bridge , channel wait for what build artificially to because safeguard , build thing , administrative flaw sends a person to damage ; pile up article boils fall , slide or pile up content collapse sends a person to damage ; arboreous dump , break off or fructification falls send what the person damages to perhaps manage a person to assume liability to pay compensation by everybody , but the exception that can prove oneself do not have fault 根据最高人民法院公布《关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》规定,道路、桥梁、隧道等人工建造的构筑物因维护、治理瑕疵致人损害的;堆放物品滚落、滑落或者堆放物倒塌致人损害的;树木倾倒、折断或者果实坠落致人损害的由所有人或者治理人承担赔偿责任,但能够证实自己没有过错的除外。