Announcement possible unconditional cash offer by aplus worldwide limited for all the issued shares in computech holdings limited resumption of trading 公告aplus worldwide limited可能提出无条件现金收购骏科网络讯息有限公司之全部已发行股份及复牌
Announcement unconditional cash offer by aplus worldwide limited for all the issued shares in computech holdings limited appointment of independent financial adviser 公告aplus worldwide limited提出无条件现金收购建议以收购骏科网络讯息有限公司之全部已发行股份及委聘独立财务顾问
The competition among enterprises is turning into that among supply chains with the globalization of market and economy . the mass innovation in management and the advanced information technologies enhance this change with the strategic relationship among cooperators as aplus 经济全球化、合作伙伴关系、信息技术进步以及管理思想的创新,使得竞争的方式也发生了根本的转变,从企业与企业之间的竞争转向供应链和供应链之间的竞争。