The solution of marshal ion antonescu was the construction of a light , highly mobile and powerful armed vehicle that romanian industry could handle alone 为此安东尼斯库元帅建议在罗马尼亚工业技术许可的条件下,建造一种轻型的高速并且有着强大火力的装甲车辆。
In romania , general ion antonescu ' s iron guard arrests and executes over 60 of exiled king carol ii of romania ' s aides , including former minister nicolae iorga 1940年,在罗马尼亚,艾恩?安东尼斯库将军的艾恩护卫队逮捕并枪决了流亡国王卡罗三世在罗马尼亚的随从,人数超过60人,其中包括前大臣尼古拉?依尔嘎。