On the afternoon of nov . 14 , bp amoco holds the 1st news conference in white swan hotel , seeking business opportunities . ( 2000 . 11 . 14 ) 14日下午,在广州白天鹅宾馆,阿莫科石油集团举行首个新闻发布会,寻找商机
Charter five analyzes the new company ' s business running situation and profits made after the merger ; conclusion and experiences made for the success merger of bp and amoco 本文对跨国企业间兼并整合的分析,为国内企业提供了一个成功的案例。
As i am working for amoco , i have experienced bp amoco merger process and witnessed a lot of changes in the company as the result of bp amoco merger 该论文通过对bp兼并amoco的案例分析来研究企业兼并的原因及之后的整合,目的在于探讨兼并所能带来的管理上和效益上的利益价值。
The new bp , an oil major formed mainly by four heritage companies of former british petroleum , amoco , arco and castrol , has business operation in 105 countries all over the world , supported by a complete set of business system 目前的bp公司由前英国石油、阿莫科、阿科和嘉实多4家公司为主整合重组而成,业务遍及全球105个国家,有一套完善的业务体系。
For example , in 1997 bp was the first major oil company to invest in russia and in 2003 , it created russia s third largest oil company - tnk - bp ; in 1998 , bp took the lead by fusing with amoco , precipitating the new wave of oil mergers ; in 1999 , bp was the first to establish gas & power business unit 如在1997年率先进军俄罗斯并于2003年与秋明( tnk )合资成立俄罗斯的第三大石油公司; 1998年率先在与阿莫科公司合并,由此引发了全球能源行业的重组浪潮; 1999年率先成立天然气和发电业务部门等。
It was reported that there were ten biggest mergers in the mergers " history , nine of which happened in 1998 , and there were mainly in the industries of banking , telecommunications , petroleum , etc . british petroleum company ( bp ) started to merger amoco , a big american oil company , in august 1998 and generated a new round " merger wave " in the world petroleum and chemical industries 全球历史上十次最大的兼并,有九件发生在1998年,而且几乎全部集中在电讯,银行和石油等战略产业。其中世界著名的石油公司英国石油公司( bp )与美国阿莫科石油公司( amoco )就是在这样的环境下开始了它们的兼并重组历程。本篇论文也正是在作者亲身经历了bp兼并amoco的过程中应运而生的。
In this thesis , charter one introduces concepts of merger , the type of mergers , the methods of a merger and some theories in the realm of merger ; charter two introduces the background of bp and amoco company ; business status of these two companies just before the merger ; bp amoco merger process ; business scope after the merger and major events of the merger . charter three gives brief of the petrochemical industry ; discussing the threats and opportunities faced to bp and amoco ; analyzing the strengths , weaknesses of bp and amoco ; analyzing in detail in the motivation of bp amoco merger . charter four introduces the integration project management after the bp amoco merger and brings some authoritative guide for an integration success after a merger 第一章介绍企业兼并的概念,类型,方法以及相关的理论;第二章主要是是bp兼并amoco的基本情况,介绍了两家公司兼并前的概况,兼并的过程,兼并后新公司的经营规模与范围,新公司的组织与结构,以及兼并的主要事件;第三章主要从世界石油行业的发展历史,兼并的宏观环境和企业环境,对bp兼并amoco的动因进行了详细分析;第四章从新公司的形象,人员和项目的管理介绍了兼并后的整合过程以及整合对兼并成功的重要性;第五章对兼并后的经营状况和效益进行了分析,并且概况出了整个兼并成功的经验。
The purpose of this paper is to try to find out what benefits will have in a company ' s management and in economic profit after a merger ; what is motivation of a merger and what kind of integration project management after the merger . with one of successful mergers bp amoco merger could be valuable for reference to the mergers of state - run enterprises in china in the future , especially after china enters the wto 面对目前一波又一波奔袭而来的兼并浪潮,面对我国越来越多的企业投身“兼并的战场” ,本文试图通过bp对amoco的兼并动机和效应等进行分析探讨,以对国内的企业兼并,特别是在中国加入wto及全球经济一体化的环境下,提供有价值的参考和启示。