Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of bacillary and amebic dysentery 细菌性痢疾阿米巴痢疾诊断标准和处理原则
Antibiotics . mainly used in intestinal infection such as bacterial dysentety , amebic dysentery and enteritis etc 本品为抗生素类药。主要用于细菌性痢疾,阿米巴痢疾及肠炎等肠道感染。
These fingings , we think , will make ct differentiation of the amebic abscess from the pyogenic liver abscess easier and more accuate 基于这些表徵,所以我们认为,电脑断层摄影可以提供一简易而又正确的方法,以区别化脓性及阿米巴性肝脓疡。
For further differentiation of the pyogenic and amebic liver abscess with computed tomography ( ct ) , forty - one proven hepatic abscesses examined by ct scanning were studied retrospectively 摘要为了进一步以电脑断层摄影作化脓性及阿米巴性肝脓疡之?别诊断,我们将四十一位经证实之肝脓疡患者的电脑断层影像作了回溯性之研究分析。
Entamoeba histolytica is also called amoeba dysenteriae , and lives mainly in the colon of humans . under certain conditions , it can penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the blood stream , causing amebic dysentery and various types of amebiasis infection with amebae 溶组织阿米巴,又称为痢疾阿米巴,主要寄生于人的结肠内,在一定条件下,可侵入肠壁或血流,引起阿米巴痢疾和各种类型的阿米巴病。
The following results were obtained : 1 ) pyogenic abscess were prone to develop multiple lesions and were usually associated with biliary disorders pleural effusion and ascites . 2 ) amebic abscess tended to develop a single lesion or a single lesion with daughter lesions and tended to involve the caudate lobe . 3 ) perifocal edema and hyperemia ( double wall sign ) was seen only in the amebic abscess . 4 ) gas within the abscess was seen only in the pyogenic group 其结果显示如后: ( 1 )化脓性肝脓疡倾向于产生多发性病灶且易合并有胆道疾病、腹水及肋膜积水; ( 2 )阿米巴性肝脓疡倾向于单一性或单一病灶合并多发性子脓疡,并并有较高的尾叶侵犯发生率, ( 3 )病灶周边水肿仅见于阿米巴性肝脓疡; ( 4 )产气病灶仅发生于化脓性肝脓疡。
Class infectious diseases shall include viral hepatitis , bacillary and amebic dysentery , typhoid and paratyphoid , aids , gonorrhea , syphilis , poliomyelitis , measles , pertussis , diphtheria , epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis , scarlet fever , epidemic hemorrhagic fever , rabies , leptospirosis , brucellosis , anthrax , epidemic and endemic typhus , epidemic encephalitis b , kala - azar , malaria , and dengue fever 乙类传染病是指:病毒性肝炎、细菌性和阿米巴性痢疾、伤寒和副伤寒、艾滋病、淋病、梅毒、脊髓灰质炎、麻疹、百日咳、白喉、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、猩红热、流行性出血热、狂犬病、钩端螺旋体病、布鲁氏菌病、炭疽、流行性和地方性斑疹伤寒、流行性乙型脑炎、黑热病、疟疾、登革热。
B class infectious diseases shall include viral hepatitis , bacillary and amebic dysentery , typhoid and paratyphoid , aids , gonorrhea , syphilis , poliomyelitis , measles , pertussis , diphtheria , epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis , scarlet fever , epidemic hemorrhagic fever , rabies , leptospirosis , brucellosis , anthrax , epidemic and endemic typhus , epidemic encephalitis b , kala - azar , malaria , and dengue fever 乙类传染病是指:病毒性肝炎、细菌性和阿米巴性痢疾、伤寒和副伤寒、艾滋病、淋病、梅毒、脊髓灰质炎、麻疹、百日咳、白喉、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、猩红热、流行性出血热、狂犬病、钩端螺旋体病、布鲁氏菌病、炭疽、流行性和地方性斑疹伤寒、流行性乙型脑炎、黑热病、疟疾、登革热。