Age and obesity had made her inapt for love, but she took a keen interest in the amatory affairs of the young . 年龄和发胖已经使她自己不能再谈情说爱了,但是她对年轻人的恋爱事却极有兴趣。
Investigation and analysis of the amatory psychology on contemporary college students 当代大学生恋爱心理调查分析
An exquisite dulcet epithalame of most mollificative suadency for juveniles amatory whom the odoriferous flambeaus of the paranymphs have escorted to the quadrupedal proscenium of connubial communion 63此首绝妙而优美动听之喜歌,给予年轻情侣莫大慰藉及信念。
Snapshot photography , comparative study of religions , folklore relative to various amatory and superstitious practices , contemplation of the celestial constellations 摄影方面的抓拍技术,比较宗教学,有关色欲及迷信方面五花八门的习俗的民俗学,观察天空中的星座,沉思默想。
It just crossed her mind , too , that he might have a faint recollection of his tender vagary , and was disinclined to allude to it from a conviction that she would take amatory advantage of the opportunity it gave her of appealing to him anew not to go 苔丝忽然想到,安琪尔也许对昨天晚上温情的古怪行为还有一些模糊的记忆,因此她更不愿意提到这件事,免得让他以为她会利用这种情意的机会,重新要求他不要离开她。
Using the same jump cutting that made his beatles film a hard day s night ( 1964 ) , richard lester s vivid portrayal of how british men and women flirt does not only startle the u . k . audience , but also taunts the bizarre and motley amatory phenomenon of london 黎斯特继承潮片《一夜狂欢》 ( 1964 )里的跳接手法,把英国街头青年男女的调情戏淋漓尽致地再现出来,令英国观众大吃一惊之馀,也讽刺地呈现了伦敦光怪陆离的情色社会现象。