When we reached albin where they lived they were out; we went after them, and found them on the pier . 我们到达阿尔滨他们的住处时,他们都不在家,我们出去寻找,在码头上找到了他们。
Gallery albin upp , oslo , norway 挪威奥斯陆,阿尔宾乌普画廊
" when you use a laptop , you can make your head and neck comfortable , or you can make your hands and arms comfortable , but it ' s impossible to do both , " says tom albin of human factors and ergonomics society , a national think tank that has issued a standards report on ergonomics of computer workstations 当你使用膝上型电脑时,你可以使头部和颈部感觉舒服,或者让双手和手臂维持舒适,但不可能两者同时办到,曾发布电脑工作站人体工学标准报告的全国性智库人性因素与人体工学协会的艾尔本说。