At present , aie limited ' s production capacity can reach 80 , 000 tons per year 目前公司在深圳拥有一家产能达到80000吨的工程塑料改性工厂。
Syn - collisional plutonic rocks aie composed of granodiorite and adamellite , which exposed al 由于极度艰苦的工作条件限制,本区研究程度极低。
Keep step ! aie ! these peasants ! cried an officer , seizing them by the shoulders , as they jogged along , jolting the stretcher 一个军官吆喝道,抓住那些走得不稳颠动担架的农夫的肩膀,叫他们停下来。
Aie , aie , aie , what have they been doing ? the voices of the prisoners could be heard crying on one side and on another as they looked at the burnt districts “哎呀,哎呀,哎呀,他们都干了些什么呀! ”俘虏们望着火灾遗址,你一言我一语地说。
The hard process is included in a natural way , which offers the opportunity to calculate the parton spectra and parton density which aie closely related to the forinatioi1 of quark gluon plasma . the strict calculation is performed on the parton level , however , hadrons are finally observable particles 而pomeron与remnant之间的关联,以及pomeron之间的关联,则通过补偿夸克(或感应夸克)来实现? ?每当一个海夸克或一个反夸克从真空中激发出来作为pomeron的色弦端点时,它的反粒子也从真空中激发出来,进入到相邻的remnant中。
The obstacles ifl deriving system of constraints aie how to analyze and reduce the state - ment components and data types of variables on w , and derive system of con8traints as concise as possibie . and the primary obstacle in solving system of constraints is how to process the nonlinear constraint ( s ) among them 建立约束系统的困难是分析、化简路径w上的各种语句成分和各种数据类型,建立尽可能简洁的约束系统;求解约束系统的主要困难是处理可能存在的非线性约束。
Detga - a sereies of bearing and circulating oils . manufactured from high viscosity index paraffinic base oils , prssessing excellent natural demulsificationnproperties . effective additives further enhance oxidation stability . recommended for applications where the extra load carrying characteristics are not required . suitable for lubrication of machine guides , bearings and spindies , aie line lubrication of maching tools , ring liled and wick feed bearings , and light duty gear and hydraulic systems 德佳-一系列轴承及循环系统油,由高粘度指数石蜡烃基础油制造,具有极佳之天然抗乳化性,有效的添加剂提高了抗氧化性能,特别推荐于轻度负荷的操作,可应用在机床导件、轴承、锭子、气动件润滑、油环及油绳润滑轴承等,甚至是轻负荷及液压系统。
Ikised on mis consideration , tire flaw of function aixl lire challenge to traditional material distribution arc drawn wlren it is come to lire era of e - commuce . aller tire importance aixl tire diameters of information tedinology aie addressed acconling lo ( ire logistics lor e - commeiu1 , it is easy lo ivxtch tire point uial ure strategy of logistics has to be converted lixmi ll ic ( radilional iixlepeixlcnl aixl sealed competition nxxlel to the co - o | xralk > n aixl co - exisl slialogy alliairec 在此基础上阐述了信息技术在电子商务物流中的重要作用及信息集成化的特点;同样企业的物流战略也必须作出相应的调整,应由传统的各自为政的封闭型的竞争方式向企业间竞争与合作共存的战略联盟转变;物流目的也应由实现有限的功能向更为广泛的客户提供优质的服务转变。