age: n.1.年龄。2.成年〔满廿一岁〕。3.老年,晚年。4.寿命;终生,一生。5.时代,时期,年代。6.〔口语〕很长的时间 a man in his green old age 童颜老者。短语和例子full age 成年。 A- before honesty. 小孩必须礼让老人。 the age to come 后世。 of the age 现代的。 the present a
This method is of significance both to overcome the difficulties in the recovery of the historical tritium concentration and to enhance the accuracy of age - dating 该方法不仅可以很好地解决地下水系统输入项氚背景浓度恢复时间序列较长的问题,而且对于提高地下水的定年精度具有十分重要的意义。