Clinical evaluation of bronchial intubation of bonfils intubation fiberscope in acromegaly patients 纤维喉镜行气管插管的临床评价
Common body cooling , afraid of the cold , pain and intermittent claudication or acromegaly ulcer and gangrene 常见肢体发凉、怕冷、疼痛,间歇跛行甚或肢端溃疡和坏疽。
Human adults given growth hormone have suffered from acromegaly ( excess bone growth ) and carpal tunnel syndrome 成年人给予生长激素,则会造成末端肥大(骨头过度生长)以及腕管综合症。
Pachydermoperiostosis ( pdp ) is a rare disease that may mimic secondary hypertrophic osteoarhropathy or acromegaly 摘要厚皮性骨膜病为一罕见疾病,临床上极似续发性肥大骨关节炎或肢端肥大症。
Acromegaly was suspected from typical appearance , and confirmed with hormonal examination and imaging of the pituitary mass 肢端肥大症的确切诊断乃住院中经由外表上特徵的观察,血中贺尔蒙的检查及核磁共振影像的发现。
Increased morbidity and mortality with acromegaly is associated with cardiovascular complications , hypertension , glucose intolerance , cardiomyopathy and coronary artery disease 其中包括高血压,葡萄糖耐受性不良,心脏肌肉病变与冠状动脉疾病。