Expect a fine predestination abiogenesis 期待一段美好的缘分自然发生
Construct in what environment regardless , the views are all with the close contact of abiogenesis 无论在什么环境中建造,景观都与自然发生密切的联系。
According to the conventional hypothesis , the earliest living cells emerged as a result of chemical evolution on our planet billions of years ago in a process called abiogenesis 根据传统的假说,最初的活细胞,肇生于数十亿年前地球上的化学演化过程,这种说法称为无生源说。
Spontaneous generation the erroneous belief that modern living organisms can be formed directly and spontaneously from inorganic material , given the right conditions ( abiogenesis ) 自然发生学说:是认为现代生命体可以在适当条件(自然发生)下直接由无机物自然形成的错误观点。
Among the scientific community , the big bang , abiogenesis , and biological evolution are generally considered to be the correct description of the origins of the universe and life on earth 在科学界中,宇宙大爆炸、自然发生和生物学进化通常被认为是宇宙和地球生命正确的描述。
If , on the other hand , researchers find evidence of martian organisms that emerged independently of terrestrial life , it would suggest that abiogenesis can occur with ease throughout the cosmos 另一方面,如果研究人员找到火星生物的演化无关乎地球生命的证据,就表示无生源说可以轻易套用于整个宇宙。