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Chinese translation for "abelian"

【数学】能成立可换定律的。 an A-group 【数学】可换群。
Example Sentences:
1.He could not understand riemann's work on abelian functions nor roch's contributions in his dissertation .
2.Limit cycles ; differential systems ; abelian integrals
3.Some public key cryptosystem extended to abelian group
4.On the structure of the gr - abelian regular rings
5.Category of abelian groups
6.Linear estimation of the number of zeros of abelian integrals for cubic isochronous centers
7.Theorem 4 . 5 if locally soluble group g is c * ( w ) - group , then the chief factor of g is elementary abelian
8.He could not understand riemann ' s work on abelian functions nor roch ' s contributions in his dissertation
9.Theorem 3 . 3 if g is c ( p ) - group and p is an odd prime , then the derived subgroup of g is elementary abelian p - group
定理3 3若g是…群且尸是奇素数,则g ’是初等阿贝尔p群
10.Theorem 3 . 9 if g is locally finite p - group and c * ( p ) - group , then the nilpotent class of g is at most 3 and the derived subgroup of g is elementary abelian p - group
定理39若局部有限尸群g是c “卜群,则g的类最多为3且g ’是初等阿贝尔p群
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