have largeness of mind; frankness; openhearted and aboveboard; sincerity; unselfish and magnanimous
Example Sentences:
My object was to give him an opportunity for a good look at my cabin. and then i could at last shut, with a clear conscience, the door of my stateroom . 我的目的是让他有机会好好看一下我的睡舱。这样我就可以襟怀坦白地把房门关上。
If there ' s no trust and honesty among employees and everyone is maneuvering based on what is might do for their own careers , you ' re not going to accomplish much 如果员工之间缺乏相互信任的态度,缺乏襟怀坦白的诚意,每个人都在按照是否有利于自己事业的考虑来行事,那样的话,我们是不会取得什么成果的。