( 5 ) the " seesaw " type of ssta distribution is the dominate ssta distribution in equator and south pacific ocean correlating with the floods season precipitation anomalies in tpnes ( 5 )与青藏高原东北侧区汛期降水异常相关的主要海温型是赤道及其以南太平洋的“翘翘板”型。
Her chipper sound , bobbish melody , and jocose lyric , her innocent manner while she hugging her child and playing with her child like playing a seesaw , mixed with the creaky laugh of her child together , poppled in this small adobe 她爽朗的声音,快活的曲调,诙谐的歌词,搂着孩子像玩翘翘板似的摇上摇下的天真的神态,和孩子叽叽嘎嘎的笑声溶在一起,在这小土房里荡漾。
( 6 ) there is apparent positive correlation between floods season precipitation in northeast china and ssta ( 3 - 5 monthly averaged in present year ) in the " key regions " ( 21 n - 27 n , 61 w - 75 w ) of north atlantic . the " seesaw " type of ssta distribution is the dominate ssta distribution in north atlantic correlating with the floods season precipitation anomalies in northeast china ( 6 )东北汛期降水与当年3 5月北大西洋key海区( 21 n 27 n , 61 w 75 w )有较好的正相关关系,与东北汛期降水异常相关的北大西洋主要海温分布型是南北“翘翘板”型。
The worthy fellow bounced from the elephant s neck to his rump , and vaulted like a clown on a spring - board ; yet he laughed in the midst of his bouncing , and from time to time took a piece of sugar out of his pocket , and inserted it in kiouni s trunks who received it without in the least slackening his regular trot 这个小伙子一会儿被抛到象脖子上,一会儿又被抛到象屁股上,忽前忽后,活象马戏班小丑在玩翘板。但是他在这种腾空鱼跃的间隙中还是不停地嘻嘻哈哈开玩笑!他不时地从袋子里掏出糖块,聪明的奇乌尼一面用鼻尖把糖接过来,一面仍然一刻不停地按原来的速度快步前进。