[ zhǎncǎochúgēn ] cut the weeds and dig up the roots; cut down the grass and pull up the roots; cut off the grass and take out its roots; destroy evil, leaving no chance for its revival; dig up the grass, root and all; destroy root and branch; eliminate the cause of; exterminate [destroy] sth. root and all; one mustn't cut a tuft of grass only, but must uproot it.; pluck up the evil by the roots; pull up weeds by the roots; rid oneself of the weeds by killing the root; root out; lay the axe to the root of ...; slay them, root and branch!; stamp out [eradicate] the source of trouble; uproot evil; wipe sb. off the face of the earth; when cutting weeds, remove the roots as well.: 斩草除根, 逢春不发 tear the weed out by the roots, so that it can never grow again; a weed must be exterminated by the roots, or it grows again in spring.; if the roots are removed, the grass will not come up again
Related Translations:
斩草除根逢春不发: tear the weed out by the roots so that it can never grow again
Example Sentences:
He would kill both her and her baby . 他要斩草除根。
Then confiscate their lands and root out that family forever 然后没收他们的领地把他们一家斩草除根
He kills your whole family 他要杀就要斩草除根,一个不留
If we were the cleanup crew , 如果我们是来斩草除根的,
It was terrible stuff and it would really spread if you didn ' t get it out by the roots 那玩意儿十分可怕,如果你不斩草除根,它就会逐渐蔓延开去。
But , the evr monde people are to be exterminated , and the wife and child must follow the husband and father 但是埃佛瑞蒙德一家可得要斩草除根,老婆和孩子必须跟丈夫和爸爸去。 ”
Extermination is good doctrine , my wife , said defarge , rather troubled ; in general , i say nothing against it “斩草除根是个好理论,老婆, ”德伐日颇感到为难, “大体说来我并不反对。
For other crimes as tyrants and oppressors , i have this race a long time on my register , doomed to destruction and extermination 在我的记录上我还记载着这个家族其它的横行霸道欺压百姓的罪行,而且注定要消灭,斩草除根。
In a word , madame defarge went on , my husband has not my reason for pursuing this family to annihilation , and i have not his reason for regarding this doctor with any sensibility “总而言之, ”德伐日太太说下去, “我要把这一家斩草除根的道理我的老公不理解他对医生那么关怀的道理我也想不通。
If an enemy i have just killed has a younger sibling or offspring anywhere , i will find them and have them killed immediately , instead of waiting for them to grow up harboring feelings of vengeance towards me in my old age 如果我杀的敌人有年幼的兄弟或是子孙在外,我会立刻找他们出来斩草除根,而不是等到他们长大后,在我年老时来找我报仇。