| 1. | His vacillations between law and medicine lasted so long . 他优柔寡断,拖了很久还决定不了到底学医还是学法。 |
| 2. | Tin oxide nanocrystal synthesized by mechanochemical method 机械化学法合成二氧化锡纳米晶 |
| 3. | How to reinforce the direct of study method in chinese teaching 如何加强语文教学的学法指导 |
| 4. | Study and guide on learning method of mathematics 数学学法研究与指导 |
| 5. | Thoughts on learning method instruction of math in senior high school 高中数学学法指导的几点思考 |
| 6. | Composition of chemie douce and characterization of iron - doped nano - zno 粉体的软化学法合成及其表征 |
| 7. | A brief study of the methodology in implementing the new course 基础教育新课程实施过程中的学法研究 |
| 8. | Alum recovery from waterworks sludge using incineration chemical process 水厂污泥灼烧化学法铝回收技术 |
| 9. | Sun 7 : 00am 9 : 00am exercises fa study 炼功学法 |
| 10. | Development and applications of mechanochemical surface modification of powders 机械化学法粉体表面改性技术的发展与应用 |