But a couple of months to think it over is no hardship, it's a godsend . 但是有一两个月的时间考虑考虑,并不是苦事,这是天赐之福。
I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life . 我曾常常想:如果每一个人在他刚成年的某个时候有几天突然失明,或变聋,那才是天赐之福。
From the four well - known hot springs to the godsend blessing 从四大名泉到天赐之福
Verily , i am the original foundation of the ultimate truth and of eternal righteousness ; of imperishable immortality and absolute transcendental bliss 毫无疑问地, “我”就是根本真理,永恒的正等正觉,不朽的永久存在,绝对的超然的天赐之福,所有这一切的根本基础。