She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency 她有处变不惊的本事
Can you act on your own initiative in difficult , even potentially dangerous situations 即使在危机四伏的情况下仍能处变不惊?
They have a sharp and observant mind and are consistently practical and resourceful , making them ideal leaders in crisis situations 他们思想敏锐,观察力强,务实伶巧,处变不惊,实是难得的领袖人才。
If ps21 did not enable civil servants to anticipate the crisis for not many analysts did it at least made civil servants more mentally prepared for change and uncertainties 以这次的金融风暴而言, ps21即使未能使公务员(包括很多分析员)洞烛先机,也至少使他们处变不惊。
If ps21 did not enable civil servants to anticipate the crisis - for not many analysts did - it at least made civil servants more mentally prepared for change and uncertainties 以这次的金融风暴而言, ps21即使未能使公务员(包括很多分析员)洞烛先机,也至少使他们处变不惊。
It ’ s aim is that keeping scene spots in order and avoiding the crisis through preventing the factors which causing the crisis from sprouting and developing 其目的在于防止和矫正旅游景区危机诱发因素的发生和发展,保证旅游景区系统处于有秩序的安全状态,真正作到旅游景区处变不惊,防患于未然。
After the incident , the sister s family members were worried , and her friends called to comfort her . but she felt calm , both mentally and physically , and her heart was filled with love . she knew that it was master s blessings that had helped her to remain so composed during the emergency 事后,许师姊的家人仍忧心忡忡,朋友闻讯后,也都纷纷打电话慰问,但许师姊觉得身心平静,心中充满爱力,她知道自己之所以能够处变不惊临危应变,完全归功于师父的加持,若不是师父巧妙化解因果,她哪里能躲过这场灾难!