| 1. | If water is not changed to vapor and removed from the crankcase, it can cause serious trouble . 如果水不变成蒸气并排出曲辅箱,它将导致严重故障。 |
| 2. | Serious failures , such as the following , have occurred 发生了如下严重故障: |
| 3. | Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers 有严重故障的汽车原厂要求收回 |
| 4. | This can help to identify the sequence of operations leading to a serious failure 这可以有助于确定导致严重故障的操作序列。 |
| 5. | The tma has alarm detect circuit and can report either one lna or both lnas failure 塔放具备故障检测能力,当低噪声放大器工作异常,部分故障或严重故障时给出告警信息 |
| 6. | If something goes terribly wrong , they can always go back to the running system from yesterday 如果系统某一部分发生严重故障,它们可以总是从昨天返回正在运行的系统。 |
| 7. | A term used to denote a spectacular failure in a program which results in the disruption of the entire computer system 此术语用来表示程序中会导致整个计算机系统破坏的严重故障。参阅abend 。 |
| 8. | A condition exists that can subsequently result in an error or critical failure for example , allocation failing or approaching a limit 存在可能在以后导致错误或严重故障(例如,分配失败或接近某一限制)的情况。 |
| 9. | If a failure occurs , the database administrator should immediately try to back up the active log the tail of the log 如果出现严重故障,则数据库管理员应该立即尝试备份活动日志(日志的结尾) 。如果此“尾日志备份 |
| 10. | The following example shows how to create a full database backup by using with format to overwrite any existing backups and create a new media set 在简单恢复模式下,每次备份后,数据库都有可能在出现严重故障时丢失工作。 |