
房间冷负荷 meaning in Chinese

space cooling load
space moisture load


  1. Based on the previous research , theoretically analyses the influence of combinations of air changes and cooling load in an isolation ward and the adjacent buffer room on isolation effects when the temperature difference is considered
  2. According to a quantitative analysis , concludes that the matching relationship between air changes and cooling load is a major factor in determining the actual temperature difference and isolation coefficient , and that the parameters in isolation ward would play a dominant role

Related Words

  1. 房间系数
  2. 两用房间
  3. 房间束
  4. 房间服务员
  5. 房间混响
  6. 房间支
  7. 耦合房间
  8. 房间条件
  9. 房间模拟
  10. 房间钥匙
  11. 房间空气温度
  12. 房间类型
  13. 房间里并不松快
  14. 房间里充满俊男美女
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