
侧壁导坑法 meaning in Chinese

side heading method


  1. Using fem ( finite element method ) , the paper makes mechanical analyses on bench cut method and side heading method , it also makes mechanical analyses on some auxiliary construction methods , such as big pipe - roof protection , horizontal roll - spraying , big and small angle pipe - roof protection and surface grouting
  2. The paper introduces the progress and the statue quo of tunnel portal construction , discusses the condition to employ full face method , bench cut method , single side heading method and double sides heading method of portal construction , points out advantages and disadvantages of these methods . the order to adopt these methods of single track , double track and tri - track tunnel in shallow - depth , uneven pressure and incompact ground is also advised after compare

Related Words

  1. 导坑
  2. 中央导坑
  3. 导坑尺寸
  4. 横导坑
  5. 隧道导坑
  6. 导坑底板
  7. 平行导坑
  8. 下部导坑
  9. 底导坑
  10. 导坑法
  11. 侧壁导洞法
  12. 侧壁导坑
  13. 侧壁的
  14. 侧壁腐蚀角
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