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English translation for "龟纹"

moire; areola (pl. areolae)

Related Translations:
宝龟:  hoki
龟造:  kamezo
家龟:  iekameyakame
鹰龟:  takagame
龟冈:  kameoka
龟科:  emydidaefmydidaeterrapinstestudinidae
正南龟:  eunotasaurus
龟儿郎:  kamejiro
龟喜:  kameki
池龟:  ikekame
Example Sentences:
1.Golden tortoise gold plated
2.Studies on the toxicity and joint - toxicity to propylaea japonica and chrysopa septempunctata of some insecticides
3.The cotton bollworm had not been the domiant pest in transgenic bt cotton field , but the number of aphids , ded spider mite , whitefly and so on , increased obviously
4.Ladybird propylaeajaponica & harmonia axyridis , ground beetle pseudoophonus griseus and ant lion chrysopidae were dominant natural enemies migrating with insect pests
龟纹瓢虫propylaeajaponica &异色瓢虫harmoniaaxyridis ,步甲pseudoophonusgriseus和草蛉是伴随害虫迁飞的主要天敌。
5.Fm screening , short for frequency modulation screening , is a pew technology in today ' s graphic arts , which can avoid moire effectively , increase productivity , and improve product quality
6.Transgenic bt cotton mainly affect high - instar larvae by retarding the growth and intering the proceeding of ecdysis , pupation , and eclosion . the growth retardation leads to the postponement of growth period duration ( the showed that growth period duration prolonged 17 days ) . feeding the larvae with the tissue of the transgenic bt cotton and the moths with the flower of transgenic bt cotton , the number of eggs and hatching rate decreased obverviously
转基因药防田中,天敌昆亚群落的个体数占整个昆虫群落总个体数的10 . 0 % ,其优势种为蜘蛛类、七星瓢虫( coceinellas叩te即uneitatalinnaeus ) 、龟纹瓢虫( prol , laea少只ponjcagoeze ) 、大眼蝉长蜷( prqp . ylaeajaponicagoeze )和草岭(助rys叩asepre即unetatawesmael ) 。
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