| 1. | And alf was telling us there was one chap sent in a mourning card with a black border round it 这时阿尔夫告诉我们,有个家伙给了一张服丧时用的加黑框的名片。 |
| 2. | The information will be included in the form of a " boxed " warning ? fda ' s strongest form of a warning 这个信息以“黑框”的形式加以警示? fda强烈建议的警示形式。 |
| 3. | Some urged a " black box " warning on aandia , the strongest type of warning for prescription drugs 一些专家力促文迪雅标注“黑框警告” ? ?处方药标识中最严重的一种警告。 |
| 4. | Some urged a " black box " warning on avandia , the strongest type of warning for prescription drugs 一些专家力促文迪雅标注“黑框警告” ? ?处方药标识中最严重的一种警告。 |
| 5. | A smile of light brightened his darkrimmed eyes , lengthened his long lips . - the greek ! he said again 开朗的微笑使他那戴着黑框眼镜的两眼炯炯有神,长嘴唇咧得更长了。 |
| 6. | Ned lambert tossed the newspaper aside , chuckling with delight . an instant after a hoarse bark of laughter burst over professor machugh s unshaven black - spectacled face 过了一会儿,麦克休教授那架着黑框眼镜胡子拉碴的脸上,也漾起刺耳的哄笑。 |
| 7. | He ll get that advertisement , the professor said , staring through his blackrimmed spectacles over the crossblind . look at the young scamps after him . - show “他准能拉到那宗广告, ”他透过黑框眼镜,从半截儿窗帘上端眺望着说, “瞧,那帮小无赖跟在他后面呢。 ” |
| 8. | Yesterday fda settled a very public internal disagreement by adding another “ black box ” warning to glaxosmithkline ' s diabetes drug rosiglitazone avandia 昨天fda对一个已公开的内部争议作出了决定,要求葛兰素史克公司在糖尿病治疗药物罗格列酮/文迪雅包装上添加另一个“黑框”警告。 |
| 9. | The majority of panel members called for stronger warnings , including a " black box " warning on the drug ' s label . the black box represents the fda ' s strongest cautionary advice 专家组的多数成员要求更重视该药物的注意事项,包括将注意事项用黑框标明,出现在药物的标签上。黑框代表fda要求病人对该注意事项要最强烈关注。 |