| 1. | Black has to fight in order to recapture the pawn 黑方必须为夺回失兵而战。 |
| 2. | We have black label , red label , jack daniel and chivas regal 12 有黑方、红方、杰克丹尼尔和芝华士12年。 |
| 3. | This unexpected move serves to draw the black rook into the game 这步意想不到的招法将黑方的车投入战局。 |
| 4. | The logical conclusion to the struggle . black faces inevitable material loss 战斗是最符合逻辑的选择,现在黑方不可避免地要遭受物质损失。 |
| 5. | The perpetual check crowns black ' s excellent defense , which promoted corina into the next round 长将给黑方优秀的防御画上了句号,科瑞娜进入下一轮。 |
| 6. | The smoke of battle has dissolved . black has an extra pawn and chances for victory . white has chances for a draw 棋盘上硝烟散尽。黑方多一个兵有赢棋的机会,而白方有和棋的机会。 |
| 7. | And now white is forced to sacrifice the bishop for them - - otherwise they will sweep everything off their way 现在白方被迫弃象,不然的话,黑方的中心通路联兵将扫清前进道路上所有的障碍。 |
| 8. | White delivered a few spectacular blows . it looks like black is hopeless . however , corina found an excellent defense 白方重拳出击,看上去黑方已经没有希望了。但科瑞娜找到了很好的防御方法! |
| 9. | Moving the knight away from the blow . black has favorable chances , provided that there is a large quantity of pieces 将马从打击下移走后,在双方大多数棋子都保留着的情况下,黑方拥有有利的机会。 |
| 10. | The black rook threatens to drive its white counterpart away from the seventh rank . with the following maneuver white prevents this from happening 黑车威胁要将白车驱逐出第七横排生命线,但是在白方灵活的招法下,黑方的愿望没有实现。 |