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English translation for "黄疸病"

yellow jaundice

Related Translations:
黄疸指数:  icteric indexicterus index
黄疸的:  ictericicteritious
疫苗黄疸:  jaundice postvaccinalpostvaccinal jaundice
黄疸症:  jaundice
溶血性黄疸:  dynamic jaundicehemolytic icterushemolytic jaundicehemolyticus icterusicterus hemolyticus
黄疸杆菌:  bacillus icterogenesbacterium icterogenes
中毒性黄疸:  icterus toxicustoxemic jaundicetoxic jaundicetoxicus icterus
黄疸指数试验:  icterus index tests
黄疸样的:  icterodeicteroid
体质性黄疸:  constitutional jaundice
Example Sentences:
1.He was suffering from a sharp attack of jaundice .
2.The head nurse accused him of bringing on the jaundice by drink , in order to avoid being sent back to the front
3.He and catherine planned to spend the leave together , but he came down with jaundice before he could leave the hospital
4.Symptoms may include fever , vomiting and jaundice . acute liver damage can occur which may be fatal in severe cases
5.Symptoms may include fever , vomiting and jaundice . acute liver damage can occur which may be fatal in severe cases
6.To the jaundiced honey tastes bitter , and to those bitten by mad dogs water causes fear ; and to little children the ball is a fine thing
7." well , measles , and whooping - cough , and erysiplas , and consumption , and yaller janders , and brain - fever , and i don t know what all .
“嗯,麻疹百日咳,还有一种非常厉害的皮肤病,还有痨病黄疸病脑膜炎,还有别的什么,连我也说不清。 ”
8.A person with jaundice in his blood shall lie down and go to sleep at noonday , when another of a different complexion shall find his eyes as uncloseable as a statue ' s , though he has had no sleep for nights together
9." precisely so , madame ; this man was myself ; for a fortnight i had been at that hotel , during which period i had cured my valet de chambre of a fever , and my landlord of the jaundice , so that i really acquired a reputation as a skilful physician
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