Linen and cotton paper, which the europeans learned about from the chinese through the arabians, replaced parchment and papyrus from the twelfth century on . 从12世纪以来,欧洲通过阿拉伯人,从中国学来了制造麻纸和棉纸以代替羊皮纸和草片纸。
Papermaking originated in china in the second century b.c. paper made from linen in the early west han dynasty ( 206 b.c.-24 a.d. ) was the world 's earliest kind of paper made from plant fibres. by pooling the expertise of craftsmen in papermaking , cai lun of the east han dynasty ( 25 a. d.-220 a.d. ) succeeded in producing quality paper from linen craps , rags , and used fish nets. papermaking technology was introduced to the west in the third century . 公元前2世纪我国发明纸,而汉初造的麻纸是世界上现存最早的植物纤维纸。
Linen and cotton paper , which the european learned about from the chinese through the arabians , replaced parchment and papyrus from the twelfth century on 从12世纪以来,欧洲通过阿拉伯人,从中国学制造麻纸和绵纸以代替羊皮纸和草片纸。