The zoo received a male and a female kiwi in 1968 as a gift from the new zealand government . 该动物园于1968年得了新西兰政府赠送的一对鹬鸵。
Look , you have great posture . you stand really straight . i m slouching 你的站姿真赞,站的真直,我老是鸵背
If you aare short of everything except enemy . you aare in combaat 如果你除了敌人不缺,渌?裁炊既保?悄阃? ?鸵?媪僮髡搅恕
Father rhea takes sole care of his young . from eggs to chicks , he feeds , defends , and protects them until they are old enough to survive on their own 要论忠诚,美洲鸵肯定不是,因为它们没有固定的配偶。正因如此,雄鸟要独自承担起孵卵、喂食、照顾和保护后代的责任。
So we can say that , urban space provide a stage of people " s action . 1 . 3 the system of urban space correspond to the behavior value system act as the important place of city life create condition to behavior 3城市空间系纽与价值系鸵的自恰城市空间系统作为城市生活展开的重要场所,客观上是人们行为发生的条件,在一定意义上对人行为的发生起作用。
By taking advantages of epipolar line features and depth discontinuities in reference 中国科学院 软件 研究所 博士 学位 论文 基于 图 象 的 快速 绘制 技术 的 研究 images , an efficient inverse wmping algorithm is pfoposed in chapter 3 for gcnerating nagcs of novel views by combining multiple eference images 帆 enhm different vie 呷 oints because continuous segnents determi 。 d by pairs ofedge pixels at co 。 spending epipolar lines are order kept , only pairs of edge pixels in the reference 渝 明 e e necess 叨 口 cowute to obtain generalized disparity of all points in the desired image as a result , sighficant acceleraion could be made in the endering pfo 比 鸵 two accelerating techiq 此 s e presented in this algori 山 mb accelerate the hole illing process his algorithm extends the reference images rom projection of single col : ii ’ ected surface in previously developed nvnverse w 出 下 er to ima 驴 s captured rom complex scene in chapter 4 , an 《 dent ibr method is prese 庇 仙 y takn ull 讪 antage of 呷 bies c 咖 the method can simulate the 3d details on sllri : ace of object successfully he 。 叩 proach , called rered ature mopmp consists of two pans at fst , an origi 。 ltexture with orthogonal displacements per pixel is deco 啊 osed into a series of new t6 刀 mfcs with each 他 lug a given displacement per pixel , called ae , ea atures , or lt hen hese lt e used to render the novel view by conventional texture mapping d avoid gaps n the endered hlla 驴 , some phels are to be interpolated nd extended in the 厂 kaccoding to the depth differe eee between two neighbor pixels in the original texture as these ltlt fc … e much storage nd therefore much time is equired to install ltlt into the text ’ ufc buffec an 旧 thod is pfoposed to co 呷 fcss the ltlt , nd the cottcspondingfclldering method is given experimental esults show that the new method is efficient , especially n rendering those objects with a smaller depth rnge compared withtheir size , such as relief surfaces of building 与己有的三维变换方法相比较,该方法不但成功地填补了由于投影区域扩张而产生的第一类空洞,而且成功地填补了由于空间深度非连续物体相互遮挡而产生的第二类空洞,从而方便地实现了虚拟环境中的漫游;基于物体表面深度的连续性,本文提出了一个位移预测方法? ?此方法可以从单幅参考图象获得逆映射过程中所需要的目标图象的位移信息,从而大大提高了算法的效率:与通常的正向映射算法相比,此算法克服了多幅参考图象所带来的计算量成倍增长等问题,而且误差较小。 2 )基于极线几何的快速逆映射算法。利用参考图象的边界信息与隐含的遮挡关系,以及极线几何的性质,本文第三章提出了一个基于极线几何的快速3 ‘一中国科学院软件研究所博士学位论文基于图象的快速绘制技术的研究逆映射算法,从多幅参考图象精确合成当前视点目标图象。