| 1. | I must cultivate old bows . 我必须跟老鲍斯多多来往。 |
| 2. | Mr. bows had a hard life and a cruel return was for his regard . 鲍斯先生度着辛酸的日子,他的关心换来的是冷酷的报答。 |
| 3. | The very words which bows used in endeavouring to repress her flame only augmented this unlucky fever . 鲍斯那些话原意是要惊醒她的迷梦,结果却助长了这种不幸的感情。 |
| 4. | Fanny treated bows with constant cruelty and injustice. she turned from him when he spoke--she loathed his attempts at consolation . 芬妮始终用残酷和不合情理的态度对待鲍斯。他一讲话,她便走开,他想安慰她,她却讨厌他。 |
| 5. | He was indeed a busy man ; but not too busy . he had plenty of time for the marvellous conversations dr boswell recorded 他一生孜孜不倦,但并没有过度忙碌,还有大量空闲时间,广交鸿儒,谈笑往来,这就是鲍斯韦尔博士记下的精采言论。 |
| 6. | Boswell , james . london journal : 1762 - 1763 . edited by frederick a . pottle . reprint edition . new haven and london : yale university press , 1992 [ 1950 ] 詹姆士?鲍斯威尔, 《伦敦日记》 。弗雷德里克?爱?波特尔编辑,再版。新港和伦敦:耶鲁大学出版社, 1992 ( 1950 )版。 |
| 7. | Daniel boorstin , the well - known sociohistorian , has written that " … of all american myths , none is stronger than that of the loner moving west , across the land 著名的社会历史学家丹尼尔?鲍斯汀这样写道: “ … …在全部美国神话中,没有什么能像孤身一人闯荡西部那样的行为给人以强烈的印象了。 |
| 8. | ( being intersted in the relationship of language and thought ) , whorf developed the idea that ( the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society ) 那最新描述出来的语言与已经被很好研究过的欧洲和东南亚语言差别太大,以至于一些学者甚至指责鲍斯和撒比尔伪造他们的数据。 |
| 9. | Following the children ' s mass , there was a christmas celebration in don bosco hall , where children and their parents enjoyed a few games together , and indulged themselves in a wide variety of edible delicacies 紧随这次儿童弥撒圣祭,我们在鲍斯高礼堂举行圣诞联欢,好让我们这群“小不点”及他们的“大块头”能一起乐玩游戏,迷嗜馋吃众多垂涎可口的美食。 |